I'm Atish
I design the invisible things that make technology feel like magic
Here is some of my work
GuidingBand β€” A Precise Tactile Guidance System
GuidingBand β€” Extended Paper
A One-Handed Interaction Technique for Numeric Input
The project Single-Handedly develops and tests a novel one-handed interaction technique that enables the user to β€˜fingerspell’ numbers to a computer mouse to input numbers into a computer.
Hand Gesture Based File Management Interactions for VR
Given that the UI in popular VR headsests still uses raycasting as the default interaction method, we imagine, prototype and showcase how interactions can be made more tangible and literal by utilising full hand tracking by designing a file management scenario.
πŸ† Finalist
Top 6 in Student Demos at Laval Virtual ReVolution 2023, France
Guiding Hand
Haptic Spatial Guidance for the Visually Impaired
A One-Handed Novel Interaction Technique for Numeric Input
Polo Daily Pack
A Playful Dispenser for Polo Mints
Polo Daily Pack
A Playful Dispenser for Polo Mints
Since Polo mints can be consumed throughout the day, it makes sense to have a container that fits neatly in the pocket, deploys mints one by one and is a fun to interact with. This project aims to create such a dispenser while considering manufacturability and brand identity.
Guiding Hand
Haptic Spatial Guidance for the Visually Impaired
I build upon a novel wrist-worn haptic glove by tweaking the original design and creating a novel localisation system, and construct research to test the capabilities of the human-machine system that has applications assistive technology for visually impaired persons.
Branding and Packaging for Premium Incense
A fictitious brand 'Enlighten' wants to launch a line of incense sticks that appeals to the premium market. We designed packaging and branding that highlights their product's qualities and assorted floral fragrances.
Navaaz EVΒ Solutions β€” Catalysing EV Adoption in India
Gator β€” A Grater Optimised for Ergonomic Use While Sitting and Standing
Rasoi β€” Inventory Management for Smart Kitchen Systems
About Me
Nice to meet you :)
A dreamer and a maker with an obsession for details. I'm constantly thinking of ways to improve our digital and tangible experiences.

In my free time I can be found nerding out over tech, cinema, origami or making travel plans. I love photographing mountains and the night sky; my work has been featured on Nat Geo and New York Times.